jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017

Journalist - Week 6 -

Hi everyone! My name is Andrea and this week I've played the journalist role. Let's see what we've done!


The week started (as always) with Linda's class. She explained us that we had to summarize all the thing we've learnt in the subject since the course started in a cartoon way. I mean, what we had to do was to find the 10 key ideas that we have learnt and try to explain them by using a graphic novel. There were seven different techniques to do this task, but each group have to do a different one, so Linda decided to do a kind of raffle to choose the technique. I think that it was our lucky day because we were the first at choosing. After deliberating it, our group decided to make some magazine covers to explain these 10 ideas. 

Having done the distribution of the techniques, we started to work quickly. One part of the group was in charge of thinking about the concepts that we've learnt and the other one about the structure of our magazine covers. 

They thought it was great to make some pictures of us for the covers, so we went out for the class for it. Having finished the photo shoot, we decided that the pictures were not well enough to put them in our covers, but we had fun while we were doing them! 

We met after having lunch at skype to organize ourselves. Our facilitator, Lucy, was in charge of dividing the work. So some of the groups were in charge of writting the ideas we wanted to express in the cover, others were looking for pictures that represented these ideas and the other ones were thinking about the structure of the covers. The afternoon passed quickly while we were working, and at night we decided that it was better to continue the next day.


Like the day before, our tuesday consisted in meeting after lunch and working until the sun comes down. During the afternoon I was in charge of doing the covers with the help of my mates, and I'm actually happy with the result. Our star Mónica studied a lot to do a great presentation to the class!

We decided to print the covers in a big size and buy some sweets to go with them in order to give a magazine cover to every group of the class.


 Finally wednesday arrived, and with it, our facilitator with a very tasty chocolate sponge cake that motivate us all! 

As every week, the presentations started, and all of our mates did their work very well! The presentation we've liked the most was the Spikyteachers' one because we thought it was very difficult to make a hieroglyph but they did it lovely and very attractive. They were also dressed as glam Egyptians, thing that was very funny.
Here are some pictures of the presentations:

Ladies & Gentleman

The Wildcats

Fishers In The River



Spacers 2.0

Spiky Teachers

Flower Power

To sum up, we commented on The Spiky Teachers blog because of their amazing work this week. Click here if you want to see our comment!

See you next week!

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