jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017

Star - Week 6 -

Hello everyone! Welcome one more day to our blog. I am Monica and this sixth week I have been the star of my group, the superstar.

The task of week 6 has been very fun and creative.
The way to do the work has been very comfortable but the presentation of our work has been a little more complicated.

From the point of view of a star everything looks different and this week I've been me, I've seen it in that way.

When we did the lotery and I touched the star role I was very happy because I wanted to do it already but it was approaching the day of the exhibition and the nerves increased.

It is on the first times that I speak in public and I was very scared just in case I was wrong or I was left blank but finally, everything went well and the exposition was good.

I tried to do it in the best possible way.

Greetings to all!!

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