viernes, 17 de marzo de 2017

Analyst - Week 6 -


Hello, I am Marta and this week I have been the analyst of the group so I have had to observe and value the work of all my classmates.
The task of this week called Cartooning the subject until now consisted in the realization of different graphic novels, summarizing in each one of them 10 main ideas about everything learned during the other weeks.

In the draw, we had the best luck and being the first to choose, we chose magazine covers since most agreed that it was going to be an original and attractive way to explain all our work.
The best part of the work from my point of view has been the creativity when looking for each of the different covers, and the great contribution of the whole team to choose the photos, that part has been very funny because as we like both The task this week, each of us wanted the chosen photo to be ours.

On the other hand it could be said that the worst part as always is the lack of time, not only to seek all the information if not to carry out some manuality. Although I have to say that there has been no bad part at all since we have been very comfortable with this task.
As for the aspects to improve as always is the organization, I think we assigned the roles too late as I think we read the task with very little time, that is, many days, the same Monday that is when we started to work.

 In spite of everything I have to say that our group is evolving little by little and every day has better ideas and there is much more enthusiasm when doing the work. Before as now the tasks of each week are mandatory, but as I said before, little by little as we like more, we all show a lot of interest, and this is how things come out better.

With this work we have learned many things, more than we already knew. We learned to use different types of programs to edit the photos and to be able to do so the magazine covers, we learned more, about all the concepts that we had previously used since having to put the main ideas on the cover, everything became clearer. In addition we have learned different ways to be able to teach this to children in a pleasant and attractive way,for being able to better capture their attention,

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