martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

Analyst - Week 4 -

Hello everyone! I am Lucy and in this week I had to be the analyst, so I have to pay attention to my mates’ work to evaluate them.
This week we had to talk about a topic we want taking into account that this was to primary children, also we had to do a presentation with 30 slides which includes the types of licenses and the stages to do a good Power Point.
First we had to choose one topic to expose and this was the most difficult part of the work, because we said different ideas but we didn’t agree at the beginning, because the group’s Star had to like it and the whole group had to agree with it. Finally we decided to talk about “Feeding Habits”.
The best part of the activity was to think how we can do our presentation; it was a funny moment because we said some activities and ideas which all of us liked and we were laughing about it. On the other hand, the worse part of the activity was when we had to look for the information we need, because was a boring and long thing that some of the group had to do in one afternoon.
Relating to the task, we learned some tips to do a good presentation and to make a good Power Point; also we learn how to put a license in a blog and the different types of licenses which there are and the importance to put it in our works and to know if the images, information, etc., which we are using has or not copyright.
The good points of our group are still being to have different perspectives, to respect the opinion of each other without judging them and trying to improve it, and the fact that we help each other in case of needed it. But on the other hand our group doesn’t improve on the organization of the task, because it’s true that everyone has worked, but some members are working harder than the others.
This task is much related with the subject and our degree, because in all of our degree we will have to do presentations, so we have to know how to do a good and an appropriate presentation if we want to success. Also we have to know how to put a license in our work if we want to share and allow to others to use it.
Thanks to this task we know how we have to do an adequate presentation in our degree and in our future as teachers. Also we know the different licenses which there are and how we have to use it.

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