martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

Journalist - Week 4 -

Hello everyone! My name is Paula and this week I have been the journalist of my group.
This week we had to do the task number 4 and it was called: Telling Stories: Free Resources and visual presentations.  It was about the use of educational resources, how to create a good presentation and how to fine and use free resources, one so we had to do two tasks. The first one it was about creating a presentation of maximum 30 slides to explain two things, in the first 10 slides what means to use Creative Commons Licence resources and how to do that, and in the rest of the slides we had to explain the tips for developing an amazing presentation.
And in the second one we had to choose a topic, related with something of Primary School, and presented in class with an oral exposition and using a Power Point.
The first day of the task, on Monday, we decided the new roles of each member of the group and in class we started to watch the videos and read the links that Linda put on the description of the task. This was very helpful because at the beginning we didn’t know exactly how we had to do it, so with this links we could answer our questions and start to think about how we but do it. On the afternoon we meet up again and we start to look for the theoretical things that we need it to do the presentations, such us definitions, the types of licences… And on Tuesday we dedicated the day to finish it and do the presentations of the two tasks for the next day. Also, our start this week, Andrea prepares her speech.

Wednesday came and it was the time to expos the presentations about the topic. The class started writing each curator of the group the items that it were going to explain later, and after each presentation each group had to put the items that they though it were explained and later gave to the group that present that topic. Thanks to this, all groups could be able to know if the presentation was clear and the audience understood the main points of their presentation.

The first group to expos was the Spacers. Their presentation was very clear and easy to understand and well explained. They made a model about the Solar System, the topic they had to expos.

The second group was mine. It was about healthy habits. The star talked about the food pyramid, what we should eat most often, the sport and also the the diseases that a bad supply produces.

The next group to present was Ladies and Gentleman’s, although they couldn’t finish their presentation because the time was over, it was funny and they made to participate the class, which made the expo much dynamic.


The following group was the Flower Power, they also couldn’t end the presentation because the time over but it was funny and clear, making to participate the class, which made the expo much dynamic.

The fifth group was the Wild Cats, their expo was clear and easily to follow and also put the references that they use.


The sixth group was the Starfisher, their expo was funny but like other groups, they didn’t have enough time to end the presentation.


The next group was the Architeachers. The expo was clear and easy to follow, and also at the end of the presentation they put some videos to understand with metaphors the steps of the digestive system (their topics).

The eighth group was the Fishers in the river. Their topic was the water cycle and they made a model to represent it and to saw was the cycle while that star was explaining it. The star was very nervous at it was observed but was explained everything well so it was easy to understood it.


And the last group was the Spyki teachers. They were disguised as an orchestra, the star was taking a bow tie and a baton and the rest they were dressed in black and each one was representing to an instrument. They made to participate the class but they didn’t have enough time to finish the presentation.

 At the end of each presentation, Linda ask the groups where the images came and also she gave some advices to the team that it was exposing about hot to make better the Power Point for the following times. Some of the advices are the next:
At the end of the expos it is good to finish with a good phrase and to say what it is the next activity.
The letters should be the type of Calibri, Verdana… but not Comic Sans because it isn’t advisable to use types of letters with little draws or difficult to read. Also it should only be use the capital letter to things very important and always the same type of letter.

 Although the insoles of the Power Points can be nice the only thing that they do is to distract the audience, for what it is better to use a simple bottom, as white.

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