martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

Translator - Week 4 -

Hello everyone. I'm Monica from the Superstars group. This week, my role has been the translator. This role has been difficult because I had never heard of licenses,copyright... On the other hand, about the presentations, I found it simpler.

There are five important words in this task and they are the following:

  • Copyright is an English word that mean "derechos de autor". Right(derecho) Copy(copia). When someone makes a song, video, work, and another person sees it and copies it the creator has the right to denounce by copy. Copyright is a way of putting a signature on your work.

  • The license is the way in which a person gives the right to other person to see, copy or modify the works or documentos that he has done, without copyright.

  • CCo means (with hidden copy). These acronyms are mainly used in emails forrecipients do not see the rest of the people who are going to read the same message and for maintain the security of the people.

  • CC means with copy. On the contrary, in this function all people can see all recipients who are going to read the sent message.

  • Copyleft is a way to do works in which people can access, modify, copy information and so on. It is a work without copyright, that is, it is free.

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