viernes, 7 de abril de 2017

Translator - Week 9 -

Hello I am Mónica and this week I am the translator of my group. The five concepts most important that we have learn in this task are:


Stop-motion is a type of video that is made with a series of images. These images can be from people, cartoons or even draw by people. The images are passing very fast so, it looks like if the images had movement.


A decalogue is a set of 10 rules that must be met. In this case,10 rules related to a good educational plan.


Videopad is a program where you can make and edit videos, and make transitions between images. We have used this video editor to do our stop-motion.


Youtube is a page where people can share videos about different topics. And in this way, this page facilitates the search for something.


Eurovision is a music competition in which the majority of the countries of the world participate. All the countries have a representative who sings a song and the rest of the countries must rate the performances.

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