viernes, 31 de marzo de 2017

Translator- Week 8

 Hello, I'm Marta Martínez and this week I've been the translator so here there are the most      important words for us in this task :

Connections with peers : Is the relationship you have with your classmates or friends. A good relationship favors positive marks, and conversely a bad relationship can have negative academic effects. The teacher should also favor this connection.

Relationship: a strong feeling amog family, lovers, friends in wich people evidence their love, honesty,loyalty and affect to the other.

Prior knowledge:  it is something you already know before nobody teaches you, your mind develops this strategy that alows you to know a bit of what you have to do without the full information

Roleplay:  activity in wich people act been different people that they are. It is like a small theater and usually people performance daily actions.

Video: a visual resource that people used for different aims. For example for doing works, for capturing wonderful moments and for comunicating with friends, teachers or family.

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