viernes, 7 de abril de 2017

Journalist - Week 9 -

Hi everyone! I'm Andrea and this week I've been the journalist of my group. So let's see what we have done this week!
On Monday, Linda explained to us what we had to do: a stop motion video to show the 10 main ideas that show that it is possible to reach an ideal education in public schools.
That day we met at the university and we started thinking about how we could put the 10 ideas in a single video. Finally we decided to create a history about ''the world's best teacher''. Then, we started taking pictures.

On Tuesday, we carried on taking pictures and at we started editing the video. We had a lot of problems, because our laptops couldn't support the software. At night, when we've finished the video, the program we were using stopped working. We had to create quickly a kind of ''stop motion'' video, but it was terrible.

On Wednesday, we explained Linda what happened, so she told us to create the video again for Friday. But we saw our mates' videos and the teacher made a kind of ''Eurovision'' contest.

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