jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017

Star - Week 8 -

Hi everyone! Welcome one more time to our blog. I'm Lucy and this week I had to be the Star of my group.
The task of this week was about record two videos with one of our cases which we had created or with one of the different member of others groups. So the role of the Star was to be the film director.
First, my group had to think about five cases to represent and which had to be related with the relations set by an article we had to read. Then, we divided each relation between the members of the group and we started to think about how can we stage the idea. When we had all the ideas thought, we orded them in a Word and we finished this part of the work we had to do.
The Wednesday, the teacher asked to the Stars to go to the blackboard and then she divided us in pairs and each pair chose the idea on which they wanted to work. So I decided to choose the idea called "Connection within the Learning Process" and as Javier (Star's Wildcats group) chose the same idea like me, we worked together. When we had all the members we need, we read all our cases and finally we chose two of them, because we had to do two videos, which are those from the Wildcats group and ArquiTeachers group. Then we moved to another class which was empty and there we divided us into two groups: one group worked with Javier and the another one worked with me.
The recording process was very funny to me, because I enjoyed the time that we are talking about what are we going to represented, what would be the role of each member of the group and finally when we had all clear and we recorded the scene.
I had high expectations on this tasks because It's something that I always wanted to do and finally I really enjoyed all the process of thinking the ideas and recording.

Here are the names of the people who worked with Javier and me:
Javier (the Star of the Wildcats group)
(Fishers in the river): She interpreted a standar student.

Beatriz (Fishers in the river): She interpreted a standar student.
Pepe (The Superstars): He interpreted the divorced teacher.
Marisa (Spiky Teachers): She interpreted a standar student.
Andrea (Spiky Teachers): She interpreted a standar student.

Lucy (yes,that's me, the Star of the Superstars)
Melania (Spacers 2.0): She interpreted the student who bothered in class.
Helena (Flower Power): She interpreted the student who was the smartest of the class.
Emma (Spiky Teachers): She interpreted a standar student.
Louise (Ladies and Gentleman): She interpreted the shy student.
Maria del Mar (ArquiTeachers): She interpreted the history teacher.

Here are the links of the two videos we made:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YW9wAu0yVjM  (Javier's video)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEtz9-fPS9M    (Lucy's video)

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