viernes, 31 de marzo de 2017

Journalist - Week 8 -

Hello everyone! I'm Monica, the journalist of this week, the 7.2 work !!
This task has been based on the continuation of the previous one. 
The issue of complexities, and although it was a difficult subject, we had to continue working on it to understand it perfectly. The difference between this task and the previous one is that we have had to relate the complexity in different cases. Then divide into groups to read each relationship and perform one of the scenarios in video form, about 3:50 seconds.
Here are some photos of the group work.

On Monday we connected to Skype so that each member of the group discussed their relationship, put them together so that we all knew the themes of each relationship.

On Tuesday we did not connect because we had finished the theoretical work.

Wednesday was the day of the presentations, each star had to act as director of the work and among many members of other groups, to carry it out.
Here I leave some photos of the scenarios that mounted different groups.

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