martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

Journalist - Week 3 -

Hello! I am Ana and this week I am in charge of the journalist role.

This week the work has been about cartographic projections. In the first place, we started looking for all the necessary information to complete the charter that were asked in the task and the questions that were suggested, each member of the group was in charge of searching different questions. In our second meeting, we decided how to present the task, finally we made a Prezi presentation.

On Wednesday, each group presented their task.. In this task, all the groups made a Prezi presentation. And the information presented was similar, each group explained the map projections of Robinson's, Azimuthal’s, and Mercator's, explaining his purpose, distortions, problems, and socio-cultural implications of using it as a learning resource. Then they chose two countries and explained the distortions in the map within of different projections. Also, the groups decided which projection is better from their point of view. Other part of the task consists in search a Treasure Hunt in which the students learn doing activities and challenges. The groups explained how media distorts the reality, moreover explained the relationship between media and this task.

The first group was The Spiky Teachers, the presentation was well organized although in some parts there was a lot of text. The star was very nervous, so there were stops and it was difficult to follow.

The second group was Fishers in the River, their presentation was very funny because the star go into classroom disguised of sheikh accompanied by two bodyguards, also in the moment of their entry they putted music. They were very originalities but the star was nervous too..

The third group was Archi-Teachers, the presentation was very good because the explanation was very clear, the pronunciation was good and the star were relaxed.


The fourth group was Starfish, in this presentation the star was nervous and in our point of view the presentation was lacking of content.


The fifth group was The Wildcats, their presentation was creative, because they made a theatre where the star was the teacher and the others the students and they interact like in class, it was funny. Also, the pronunciation of the star was fluid.


The sixth group was The Flower Power, the presentation was well organized and the and the star fluency in speaking was good. But didn’t give them time to finish the presentation.


 The seventh group was Ladies and Gentleman, the star was nervous, in their presentation was a lot of text and monotonous. Moreover, did not give them time to finish.

The next group was ours The Superstarteam, our star this week was Marta in our point of view the presentation was good but we didn’t have  time to finish it.


Finally, it was the turn of Spacers group, their presentation was accurate and the star explanation was clear to understand.

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