martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

Analyst - Week 3 -

Hello everyone!
My name is Paula and this week I have been the analyst so my role has been to observe the rest of my group has been doing during all this week.
This week the work was consist of a treasure hunt, about the topic: Media is not neutral.
At the beginning it was a bit difficult to know exactly what this was about so we were not very sure about what to do. And for this reason we were not able to organize correctly the work of each member of the team.
Little by little we start to answers the questions and start to think about how we should do the task. Each member of the team is different to rest, which allowed us to have different points of view and ideas for the task, making easily the development of the work.
The best part of the activity was to answer the part of the influence of mass media in students. We had a lot of different ideas and it was very interesting the varied points of view of the some members of the group.
Otherwise, the worse part of the activity was when we had to answer the table. It was a bit difficult to find the contents and to know exactly how we had to answer it.
The best moment was when we all knew what and how to do it, all of us were doing a different part of the task but at the same time we were helping each other, even if that means to stop the activity that someone was doing, without asking for anything in exchange, demonstrating that we were a team and that means to help each other, while the worse part of the task was the beginning. This is because we didn’t really understand how it should be done it and presented, which made us to go very slowly the first day.
Focusing on the task, we have learned the different kinds of maps that exist depending on its distortions. There are three, the Robinson’s map, the azimuthal map and Mercator’s map, allowing us to know that not all of them are right. Depending of the kind of map a same country can vary its size a lot providing us the capability to decide which is in our opinion the best map. Thanks to this activity we have proven that mass media are not neutral, since we are kisd we are influenced by a lot of things, such us gender toys, publicity, magazines…
Our team has to conserve the ability to think different from the others, having different perspectives and also the respect the opinion of each other without judging them and trying to improve it. But on the other hand we have something that we need to improve is the organization of the task. We think so because even though everyone have made something, some of us work harder than the others, slowing down the work.
This task is very related with this subject and our degree. This is because the media has a very important influence of people and especially in children, we can see it in the gender toys, the fashion in girls, the standards for each gender... They do not know if things the watch on TV for example are true or not, so it is our job to help them to understand what it is real and why.

Thanks to this task now we are going to be able as teachers to decide which kind of map projection is the best and we will be able to clarify the minds of students about why some countries that in the map looks bigger than other, are in reality smaller.


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