martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

Translator - Week 3 -

Hello everyone, I’m Cristina and this week my role in this group is to be the traslator.  As it has been the most difficult work we have new words that we didn't know and also there are some words that we have repeated. Here, we have the explanation:

  • Map projection: Is a way of representing the physical terrain on paper. These projections are necessary for the creation of maps and, once maps are made, these projections require distortions. There are many types of map projections but we have focused on the projection of Mercator, Azimuthal and Robinson

  • Distortion: Is the alteration or deformation of the original form of something like an object, an image, a sound ...The distortion is not the same everywhere and there are different types; In the Azimuthal projection we observe a polar distortion and a flat one; In the projection of Mercator we can see the tangent and secant equatorial aspect and the equatorial and transverse. Finally, in the Robinson Projection we can perceive four types of distortions: shape, area, distance and direction.

  • Treasure hunt: it is a kind of game with one or more players who try to find hidden objects or places by following a series of clues. Treasure hunt games may be an indoor or outdoor activity. Treasure hunts are sometimes organised as a game to be played at children's parties. The game might include finding items, following the clues in a group or dividing into teams to compete for getting a prize.
  • Transverse: Line crossing a space transversally.
  • Mass media:  It refers to the different media that exist such as radio, television, the Internet, the press ... The purpose of the mass media is to inform and entertain people who have access to them. Nowadays, the media plays a fundamental role in people's lives since they are now being used at an earlier age.

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