viernes, 28 de abril de 2017

Facilitator - Week 10 -

Hello everybody!
My name is Paula Palacios and this week I have been the facilitator of my group. My job as a facilitator is to be the leader of my group, and for that reason I had to direct the activity and motivate my group.
This was the first task since the return of the holidays, and for that we were quite tired but at the same time very motivated for this new exercise, and thanks to this we were easy to put forward ideas to carry it out, which consisted in which in a school were going to make elections to be the new director of the center, making the task very fun and interesting.
The first day we left everything followed, we had no problems in the group and we all collaborated, for that reason it was very dynamic.
The second day we were still tired after the  vacation and I realized that they needed some incentive, so I decided to bring something that motivated them, that is, sweets, and see if worked! It returned the laughter and the desire to work, which helped to the accomplishment of the work.
Wednesday quickly arrived, the day of the presentation, and nerves were in full bloom. Our star, Cristina was very nervous despite practicing it several times with us and doing well, so I was all the time at her side trying to motivate her to relax and be calm, I do not know if it worked, but it turned out great!

Finally, I hope you like this new task, which we have enjoyed and put all our efforts!

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