martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

Translator - Week 2 -

Hello I am Ana and this week I am in charge of the translator role. The five concepts most important that we have learn in this task are:
  • TPACK: (technological, pedagogical and content knowledge) it is a methodology in which the teachers combine the technological, pedagogical and content knowledge for teaching.

  • PEDAGOGICAL CONTENT KNOWLEDGE (PCK): Is a combination of pedagogical knowledge and content knowledge. PCK refers to the form of how to teach a subject.

  • TECHNOLOGICAL CONTENT KNOLEDGE (TCK): Is a combination of technological and content knowledge. It refers that the teachers a part from know the content of the subject, have to know how use the technologies for teaching in the best way the subject.

  • TECHNOLOGICAL PEDADOGICAL KNOWLEDGE (TPK): Is a combination of technological and pedagogical knowledge. TPK refers to the new form of teaching, using the new technologies, which make the learning more attractive.

  • INFORMATION MAPPING: Is a method based on investigation for organise the information in a clear way, in order to the public understand the information in the best way. Information mapping interrelates ideas categorizing by order of importance, presents graphically the information... We have use the type of Marshall and Locker. 

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