martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

Facilitator - Week 1 -

Hello, my name is Paula and this week I’ve been the facilitator. 
I started the week dividing the task of each member of the group, so everyone had something to do.
The half of us decided to think about five ideas of conceptual photography and the other half were the ones that drawing it.
At the beginning I didn’t know exactly how should I do my role so I saw a video that it was made  last year by a group of students that was in 1st of career that year. In the video the students gave some advices about how to be a good facilitator, they said that the facilitator need to be motivator, help the others, be sure that everyone did the task of his or her role…, so following this advice I began to put into practice my role and it has gone very well. Every member of the group understood that I was the facilitator and what my role was so everyone  has paid attention to me and we haven’t got any problem.  
Here I left the link of how to be the best facilitator:

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