jueves, 9 de marzo de 2017

Analyst - Week 5 -


Hello everyone! My name is Ana and this week I’m in charge of the analyst role, I have to evaluate the work that my colleagues have done. This week the work was about “The Dark side of textbooks”, we have talk about advantages and disadvantages of use textbooks in schools, for the presentation we did an infographic, which is a graphic visual representation for present information clear and quickly. We did our infographic in tablet form, since the topic was about utilize ICT instead of textbooks in class.

I think that the best part of the activity was realize the infographic when we had all the information collected, we learned to use programs to make infographics. The worse part   of the activity was to collected all the information.
The best moment of our group this week was the organization, when we met all together, everybody collaborates very well in the work and when we saw the good results of work together. One part of the group was in charge of search information and the other part of made the infographic. In the other hand the worse part was when we don’t know if make a time line twitter or an infographic, because we didn’t know exactly what and how to make it.
In this task, we have learned that there are other better resources to teach than textbooks, which have a lot of disadvantages. Furthermore, we have learned how to make infographics.
From my point of view, we have to conserve the good organization that this week we have had, and that everybody work together. But we have to improve the manual work make it better and be more creative.

This task is much related with the subject because the course is about educational resources, with this we have learned that there are resources better than the traditional textbook like digital books, tablets…Also is related with our degree, because we as future teachers have to know that are better and more interesting alternatives to teach children. And incorporate ICT in the classrooms that offer to the teacher more initiative, are cheaper than textbooks, motivate students more...

The content of this task is closely related to social connections because textbooks are dominated by politics. As we speak in class textbooks influence children in the perspective of gender and sex, in textbooks always appear children playing football and brave things, instead the girls are shown that they have to cook, take care of the babies…so influence in gender inequality. Also in textbooks love are represented by a woman and a man, and being different is wrong. Furthermore, for teaching the world textbooks give more importance to developed countries than third world countries. 

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