viernes, 24 de marzo de 2017

Star - Week 7 -

Hello everyone!! I am Ana and this 7th week I have been the star of my group. The work this week seemed easy but when we started looking for news we realized that it was difficult to distinguish every complexity and find a new for each type. I was nervous because I was the star and this carries a great responsibility, also this week the stars didn’t know exactly what we had to do on Wednesday if it was going to be a presentation, a debate …I also didn’t know how to prepare myself, so what I did was to understand each type of complexity very well, to summarize each one of them in order to understand them better, and to read me all the news that we had searched.

On Wednesday, we created groups in which we were two editors (the stars) and the others were part of the editing group, in our group we were six, I was editor with Maria Angeles from Architeachers group, and the others were a representative of each group, although we lacked representatives of three groups. Linda explained our mission, which was to create a newspaper by getting the news from all the groups that corresponded in our case to the type of complexity 3 "Emerging knowledge through connections".

 Maria Angeles and I began to summarize the news that the other members of the group were telling us and then to relate them to the complexity 3. Until that moment we were working well but when we realized that we didn’t have time we stress a lot. So, we thought about using google 2 where we could all work at once, so we started translating each member of the group one part of the text. Finally, didn’t give us time to make a newspaper, almost no group also gave them time. Linda said that as bosses (the stars) we thought because we hadn’t given us time. Our mistake was to think that we had enough time to do everything, we had to have thought before to use google 2 and have distributed the work better. At home the stars converted the news to newspaper form. So as a star I felt very stressed because everybody was asking me and the lack of time.

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