viernes, 24 de marzo de 2017

Analyst - Week 7 -

Hello everyone, I am Pepe and in this seventh week I have been the analyst of my group. The task we did this week is called “Relationships in a Complex Context”.  What can I say about the activity of the members of my group during this activity?. 

Well, to start with, I am going to say that one of the worst part of the activity was understand the meaning of each one of the complexities in education. If you do not have a clear idea about the meaning of them you can not do anything, because you do not understand the concepts. Other part which was hard was to find the proper news which would stand for a specific kind of complexity in education, specially the first one, ‘’complexity theory’’.

The best moment of the week was when we found all the news that we were required, because that meant that we accomplished our goal.      

There are still a few things which we as a group could improve, such as a better organization between the members of the group. To my mind this is because we sometimes hesitate about the things which we have to do, or how things have to be done, and this situation sometimes lead us to waste time and get nervous. The organization and effectiveness of the group are difficult to achieve, due to there is a wide range of factors to take into consideration: motivation of each individual member, previous knowledge of the subject, tiredness accumulated, other commitments which make difficult to find time for work together, and so on.

But despite on the difficulties that we face up, I can say that my group mates are really committed, responsible, hardworking people, and all of us help each other. This is one the most important things which I would preserve and stand out as a group. Everyone has worked very hard  in order to carry out and finish the task on time before Wednesday.

In this task I have learnt that schools stand for a complex reality, not just one complexity, but many of them, and we as an undergraduate students must know deeply what the school setting involves in order to become competent teachers.

Related to the content treated in this task, it has a strong social connection. Education is on the base on any society and contributes in the growth of it. As the time pass by and as the society develops, education must be up to the task and meet the requirements which the society demands, training students to live in a world more and more complex in which the multiculturalism and new technologies are a reality for everyone.  Education is also a controversial issue, being one of the main center of attention treated in politics.     

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