jueves, 18 de mayo de 2017

Interview to the Director (Task 12)

Hi everyone! This is our last Task and in this time we have had to do an interview which is here:

1. How do you organize the school? Formal or informal learning?

2. Has been created in your school some virtual learning space?

3. What are the advantages about the use of new technologies? Do you think that are useful to the learning?

4. In order to provide students a better learning environment that match to their capabilities, especially for those who have learning disabilities, what are the main tools, infrastructures and measures that are being implement in the school?

5. Also, nowadays everything is on Internet, so is very easy to get what you want for free and just with a click, since photos, paperwork’s... to films for example. However, a lot of things shouldn't be that and actually people should pay for that if there is not creative commons. Children do what they see from their parents, teachers… and if they see that you can do copyright without any problem they will do it.
In your school everything has creative common licenses? And if it is so, how do you control it?

6. When technology is used it’s very important to ensure the protection of individual, privacy, confidentially and the safe use of digital learning technologies and data.
Has your school appropriate some policies, procedures and safeguards?

7. From your point of view, what are the main skills that a good teacher should have and be competent in order to develop well the teaching-learning process?

8. What are the key points in which is based your educational program?

9. As you may now, it is very important that people feel safe and comfortable in their workplace. In one of the main points to this happen is the kind of leadership that occurs in the school. There are 4 different types of leadership: The authoritarian, in which the boss is the one who makes all the decisions without the workers' participation; the democratic, in which workers participate in decision-making, promotes dialogue between the group, but the final decision is made by the principal; the transactional, in which the director awards prizes to his workers for their work, which makes them work more and better, leaving the structures clear; and finally the transformational, which greatly promotes communication to achieve the objectives and provide the vision of change they want to get from their workers.
What kind of leader do you think you are and why?

10. We can learn from everything that surrounds us, since our family, friends and teachers to the new technologies. Everything can play an important role in our lives. So, what and how things of your schools can affect to your students?

11. Do you think that the new technologies can replace the textbooks?

12. Now we are going to talk about complexity and relationships. As you know, these topics are very important in education, so, what do you think about the relationships between peers?

13. Do you think that work out of school improve the learning and the relationships between them?

14. You know that the progressive integration and effective use of digital technologies can have the character of an educational innovation, so how do you think you can improve and introduce properly the technology in the classes?

15. Could you ensure that self- and peer assessment is going to be promoted? How do you do that?

16. Will you provide programs and courses so that the teachers of the center can continue to train in order to be better?

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